I am the Lian Group Chair in Fintech and Blockchain Technology and Associate Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance at LUISS University, Rome. I joined the faculty at LUISS in 2009, after completing my Ph.D. in economics at Boston University. I also hold a BA and a MA in economics from Bocconi University, Milan. My research interests are primarily at the intersection of finance and macroeconomy, with a focus on quantitative asset pricing and fintech. I am an Associate Editor at Economics Letters. Some of my recent papers appeared in the Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Journal of Banking & Finance, Review of Economic Dynamics, and Journal of Empirical Finance.

Nicola Borri (he/him/his)

LUISS University

Department of Economics and Finance

Viale Romania 32

ROMA 00197


Email: nborri[at]luiss[dot]it

Skype: nborri1

Twitter: @nicolaborri

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