Academic Year 2017-18
Asset Pricing (Graduate Program EIEF) [class page][syllabus]
Asset Pricing (LM in Finance, LUISS) [material][syllabus]
Teoria e Gestione del Portafoglio (LM in Banche e Intermediari, LUISS) [material][syllabus]
Financial Management (Master in Tourism Management, LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL) [syllabus][class page]
Financial Management (Master in Five Stars Hotel Management, LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL) [syllabus][class page]
NOTE: Class material for current LUISS classes is available on moodle through learn.luiss.it. If you are a LUISS student not currently enrolled in the class, please contact me to be added to the group of authorized students)
Academic Year 2016-17
Theory of Finance (LM in Finance, LUISS) [material][syllabus]
Asset Management (LM in Banche e Intermediari, LUISS) [material][syllabus]
Asset Pricing (Ph.D. LUISS-EIEF)[syllabus]
Systemic Risk Management (MAFIRM, Collegio Carlo Alberto) [slides][code]
Financial Management (MaBDA, LUISS BUISNESS SCHOOL) [syllabus][class page]
Previous Academic Years
Teaching resources
Nicola Borri, A Bloomberg Terminal Primer, mimeo, June 2017 [pdf] (This short primer is an introduction to Bloomberg for beginners, meant to get students started with Bloomberg Terminal. If you are an instructor, feel free to share it with your students and add it to your syllabus. If you do, please write me an email to let me know it.)